Garden of Eve
Oct 28 - Nov 30, 2022
UTA Artist Space Beverly Hills, CA
Building on past exhibitions, Garden of Eve brings together previously shown and never before seen works to tell the story of creation through the eyes of women and Orishas, deities of the African Diaspora. Central to the exhibition is Rosales’ reinterpretation of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, an installation spanning five years of her work. Looking up, one sees the concave interior of an upturned slave ship, completed with Rosales’ vision of the genesis of Earth, its people, and the histories of their lives. In bringing together old and new works, Garden of Eve represents a culmination of Rosales’ oeuvre, which aims to elevate untold stories and call into question the narratives we have been told time and time again.
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Featured Artworks

At the heart of Garden of Eve, Harmonia Rosales comprehensive exhibition at UTA Artist Space in Beverly Hills, is the power of narrative. The show spans years of Rosales’ career, featuring dozens of portraits in oil and perhaps the grandest work she’s produced thus far: encircled with lights, an upturned ship towers over the gallery, allowing viewers to pass underneath and peer upwards at the frescoed expanse...
Nov 21, 2022
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En se réappropriant le passé, les peintres Harmonia Rosales, Tyler Ballon et Titus Kaphar donnent à voir une histoire de l’art plus représentative pour les personnes minorisées...
Feb 3, 2023
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